Wednesday, April 1, 2015

political impact

                                                            The Political Impact
            “Democracy is the government of the people by the people for the people,” said Abraham Lincoln. In democracy, each citizen has certain rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of thought. The problem is that in Togo, none of those human rights are respected. Therefore, many politicians or opposition members are victim of coups, and assassinations. Sometimes, they are forced to leave the country. That was the case of my uncle, Alfred. Alfred had served his country as a senator and had good relations with the president at that time, Eyadema Gnassingbe. Since he decided to run for the presidential office, his relationship with the president became fragile as an egg. Many coups have been tempted to his life. Thus, he decided to leave the country.  He suffered a lot from his departure, and despite his departure, the fury of the current president has complicated his family, and friends’ life.

            In first position, Alfred’s desire to become President led to his exile. During the campaign, he gained a lot of popularity, and Eyadema realized that he was a menace for his post. Then, the president ordered my uncle’s assassination. One night as Alfred was sleeping at home with his family; one of his loyal security agents told him that he needed to leave the country quickly. He said, “Alfred it was an honor to serve you, but I have the regret to announce you that a rebellious group will come to arrest you”. His bank accounts were blocked. It was humiliating for my uncle to leave the country without a dime, any luggage, or food. He went to Australia, and a new chapter of his life had started. As hard as it was, in order to survive he had to struggle in life, and do little jobs. He worked in restaurants, washed car, and dish. It was hard even for him to believe what he had become. In the meantime, he left a whole family behind with no money, and no hope to see them again. The only way for him to return in Togo was if Eyadema passed away.

Further more, Alfred’s determination for the Presidential office will not only affects his life; it had destroyed his family’s life in several ways. First, Alfred’s departure made his family life very stressful. There was no source of income. His wife had to face the difficulties of the life to support her family. Therefore, she worked hard to pay her children’s school fees, and to pay the house expenses. In addition, they have been discriminated against; because, of Alfred’s situation. Alfred’s family was under surveillance twenty-four hours. Their life style has changed in both, the school and in the community. In school, classmates don’t want to talk with them, because they want to avoid any risk of being the next target. Alfred’s older son had graduated of a master degree at that moment, but he did not find any job in his working area. He sent his resume to many companies, but no one wanted to hire him. Later he had changed his name because of his father’s situation in order to get a job. The consequences of Alfred’s involvement in politics did not only affect his family; his friends had suffered as well.

            The last effect of Alfred’s desire to be president was the division between the members of the congress and the government. The country was split in two parts, Alfred’s group and Eyadema’s group. The reality is that Alfred’s friends were also victims of his ambition for the presidential office. The government had targeted all of Alfred’s friends in politics who supported him during his campaign period. Some were ministers, doctors, and senators. Some directors of companies have been ejected from their posts. Others should have been promoted, but they did not get the promotion. Let take the example of the Colonel Fiaofia. He was a good officer, loyal and had all the war aptitudes.  He should have been promoted a head of a military base, but he was discriminated against. He is still at his post until now, and the hilarious thing in the story is that one of his sub officers has been promoted to that position. At the same time the minister of mining, and the one of finances have resigned their posts. Of course, it has not been said, but for sure they resigned by force because of their intense relationship with Alfred.

                        To conclude, the involvement of Alfred in the election has completely changed his life, affected his family, and his friends. He led to exile; his family and friends have been discriminated against. This is a huge problem that our leaders need to take seriously in consideration. The assassination, the corruption, the patronymic offence, and the lawlessness have to stop. All these life adventures are due to the non-respect, and the miscomprehension of the laws in a democratic country such as Togo. It has been more than fifty years that Togo is an independent country, and I believe that the political atmosphere will change. Minds are fresh now, and people are getting instructed. I have hope that Togolese can change the political environment. “ Yes We Can”.


  1. your picture is really cool. my country also suffers serious corruptions and food problem. Those things are unacceptable by me. I think that if my country solve both problem. It will be a wonderful country.

  2. Countries should not have corruptions and if it does, the government should be changed or work harder to solve them. I think everyone should live in peace.

  3. yes Guys you are right, the thing is that most of them want their own benefits before the Nation's one

  4. Hi,
    Your essay was really good and sad too. Your story reminds me an other story which happened in France in 1898: THE DREYFUS AFFAIR. An man was accused to be a traitor to his country so the government sent it in an Island alone and his family had to live with all the discrimination to have a father-husband who is a traitor.
