Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Name: Adriana Solis

                                                              MY NAME

I was almost born when my mother decided my name. She was doubtful about it because I was her first daughter, and she wanted a beautiful and meaningful name for me. She thought about a name that would make her proud. She asked my grandmother and her sister auntie Ana for ideas, and both gave her some options. After thinking about it for a while, auntie Ana said: "What about Adriana? Do you like it?" My mother thought that it was pretty and strong. She was thinking for some minutes and replied that she liked Adriana for her first daughter. I was born some hours later.

In Italian, my name means "Darkness" according to some websites. Other websites indicate it means "Born in Adria, a city in Italy that gave its name to the Adriatic Sea".

Now, I´m proud of my name. It´s a genuine name, and nobody in my family has the same one. Most importantly, I like how my name sounds.